The Truth about the Water We Drink
"Increasing your consumption of good quality tap water or filtered water can transform your health and play a central role in the healing of virtually all degenerative diseases”.
--- David Niven Miller
Anti-aging expert and author of 'Grow Youthful'
”Bad diets such as meat and potatoes, fried foods, soft drink colas, and sugars build up acid salts in the body. Often these deposits, by having to be stored away from the blood flow, can remain in the body for decades. The consumption of ionized alkaline water, can help to slowly and gently wash these salts away”.
-- Dr Hidemitsu Hayashi
Director of the Water Institute, Tokyo
Many people suffer from certain serious ill heath and ailments simply because they are careless about the quantity and of course quality of water they drink. Come to think of it water is very essential for good health and good living. To be frank, I started drinking my normal dose of water requirement after writing chapter two of this book. If it is possible that we cease to be thirsty, many of us living today will never drink water. The truth is that by the time you are thirsty, you are already slightly dehydrated. Thirst is actually the body’s only way of telling you that it has completely used up the disposable water/fluid in it.
Consider this illustration: most of us have generators at home. The normal I-pass-my-neighbor or other bigger 2500 or 2900 Tigmax, Tiger, Elipaq, etc are our focus. For the I-pass-my-neighbor, you add oil in relation to the quantity of fuel you wish to supply. We all know when we short-supply our I-pass-my-neighbor with oil in relation to the supply of fuel. The engine will start normally, steam for about 5 minutes, start shouting as if heating up and of course, it is heating up and finally, it will abruptly go off, go close to your generator, you‘ll find out that it would be smelling like burnt carbon and it will take a little time to start again. If this process continues overtime, the result would be a knocked engine.
Assuming you are using the other, 25-2900 generator, you have a different but related experience. The engine has a chamber where oil is deposited. Once you gauge the oil tank, no matter the quantity of fuel you employ, the engine regulates the system, the engine continues to use the oil deposited in it until such a time the oil becomes insufficient. Once the oil goes so down to a damaging point, the engine will abruptly stop working.
From the forgoing, you do not wait until the engine goes off before you add oil to it. This may lead to severe damage of your engine and may result in costly repairs. You need to add oil sufficient enough to carry the engine at work. You also need to gauge the oil tank each day before starting the engine. Doing these would mean that at no time will your engine go off because of lack of oil or insufficient supply of oil.
What can we learn from this?
The body is like the engine. By the time the body says you are thirsty, know that your oil has already gone too down below. At the point, you are nearing a stop work. You are already dehydrated. The only difference is that your system is still managing some reserves here and there to keep you going. The advice there is, do not wait until you are thirsty before you drink water. The water in your body system needs to be replenished same way you topple the oil in your generating set.
Ironically, most people I’ve met prefer other liquids to water. Yes not that they reject the importance of water but they take other liquids like soft drinks so often the way they should ordinary water. It is sad too to note that some people do not even drink water many hours after their meal. Thirst is a condition that can incapacitate the body within a short period of time. Thirst can cause temporary blindness, dizziness, headache, constipation, weight gain, or loss, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, bone problem, etc. Prolonged thirst can make a girl look ugly.
This book is meant to correct some negative feelings and misunderstandings about water. You will also learn the place of water to good health. Your children need water more than ever because it aids in their growth; and that pregnant women near you……your wife, if I am correct, needs to drink up to 10-13 full glass cups everyday for the safe living of your baby and the mother. I wish to stress here that there are some misconception about water which needs attention. Ask questions if you lack knowledge. There is no time in a human’s life where water would be un-needed. Let us at this time find some incorrect assertions about water and why people believe in them. This book will also clear the airways and free your mind in using water even at such times people call odd.
• Water enlarges the belly
• Water adds your weight
• Water makes you vomit
• Water flushes your food
• Water makes food lack nutrients
• Water makes the body heavy
• Water makes you tired
• Water makes you hungry unnecessarily
• Water makes us sweat very much
• Water makes the body weak
• Water prevents good feeding
• Water leads to malnutrition
• Water causes stomach upset
• Water makes us unrest/uneasy even if normally taken
• Water washes nutrients in our body
• Water causes catarrh
• Water causes cold
• Water is bad for diabetes
• Water swells the legs during pregnancy
• Water makes us look pearl
• Water is not good during diarrhea
• Water is not good during vomiting
• Water is dangerous during cold
• Water will aggravate fever
• Water can lead to or cause diabetes
For all these, we assume that what is attacked is not just water but clean water.
The truth about the above allegations against water is not far fetched. We need to know that for a defense for water, we assume that the water accused is portable water, clean, safe and if possible ionized. We cannot put any defenses for untreated and unsafe water. With “pure, portable water” in mind let us see what experts have to say in this book
www.alkalinewaterspecialist.com/?hop=mark115 www.inisystemremedies.com/alkaline-water.
The above misconceptions are based on assumptions and not on the truth and reliably researched information. You also feel the same way most times. For example, you may be among those who feel that water is really not good for a time when a child is vomiting. But consider this truth: vomiting makes the body to lose nutrients and body fluids. The body uses those fluids to obtain strength in fighting off sicknesses, vomiting also will easily dehydrate the body system and can lead to other sicknesses like fever, headache, etc. at such a time, the body just needs to replenish the lost water in its system
We are not going to discuss the above misconceptions one after the other at this time. As you read from this book, be on the look out for points that counter the misconception. There are headings and subheadings where these are discussed clearly
Water Benefits to Health
It may become overstated that water is very crucial to our living. There are reasons we need to focus on water even if we do not understand why. Consider the following:
1 Our life and our planet are made up of water.
Over 70% of the earth’s surface is water. However, most of it-about 98%-is salt water. Only 2% of the earth’s H2o is freshwater that can drink and of this, almost all is trapped in frozen glaciers. We are not just what we eat, we are what we drink. This is why water is so important to our health. Dr. Batmanghelidgi the owner of www.watercure.com says “you‘re thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication”
2 Your muscles that move your body are 75% water; your blood that transport nutrients is 82% water; your lungs that provide your oxygen are 90% water; your brain that is the control of your body is 76% water; even your bones are 25% water.
Let us look at how this affects our living and internal working of the general body system. Consider this illustration also:
The Case of Hydraulic
Have you ever observed a caterpillar engine at work, a Crain carrying/lifting very heavy objects, or a pay loader fill up a tipper? All these can happen because of the strength from the hydraulic power. The body seriously would depend on water as nature has placed it. Water in the body is like that hydraulic.
Water is beneficial to the general health of the human person in several other ways apart from the general support we’ve analyzed. The truth is that the body cannot work without water. The cells and other organs of the body function because of water.
• water serves as lubricant
• water forms the bases for saliva
• water forms the fluids that surround the joints
• water regulates the body temperature as the cooling and heating is distributed through perspiration
• Water helps to alleviate constipation by moving food through the intestinal tract and thereby eliminates waste –the best detox agent.
• Water regulates metabolism
In addition to regularly maintaining our bodies, water also plays a key role in the prevention of diseases, drinking the 8-ounce glasses of water daily can decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50%, and it can potentially even reduce the risk of breast cancer. These are a few. Since water is such an important component to our physiology, it would make sense that the quality of the water should be just as important as the quantity. Drinking water should always be clean and free of contaminants to ensure proper health and wellness.
It is now obvious that we need water to survive and to have a very healthy life. It is also obvious that the water we have around is not just pure but unsafe for healthy living. Another thing is obvious –that we would not maintain a good budget if we depend on bottled water. Worse still, most bottled water we drink are acidic. Do you know that most water we buy today as “pure water” fall on the ph-level 4 which is PURE ACID? The purification processes too analyzed earlier are also in themselves either bad or leave the water without minerals. Where do we run to for cheap, reliable, and dependable source of pure, neutral and ionized water? The Mineral Water Pot.
The mineral water pot is a water purification device that has eight purification processes. Each of the processes play a role in ensuring that the water you drink is not just pure but also of high quality. For example, by the time water comes out of the tap of the mineral water pot, it falls on pH level 7. Check your chart, PH level 7 is neutral water which is neither acidic nor wholly alkalized. At this point, the water contains all essential ingredients to make it high quality. We need this quality of water to fight off diseases. I wish to state however that alkaline boost to this water is most essential for much healthier life. We’ll talk about that later. Let us next see how the mineral water pot supplies the water and all it needs to make it high quality.
It removes all the harmful and unnecessary substances of any form such as iron rust, sediments, floats and germs, etc. This filter is made from a highly compressed ceramic diatomic substance. It is highly resistant to heat as tested by professionals. The diameter of the ceramic filter is 0.2 micron but the diameter of bacteria is 0.5-1.0 micron. This means that it is impossible for bacteria to pass through the ceramic filter. Its function is to filter all dirt and bacteria to ensure that your water is free from any harmful diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and dysentery. This filter makes the water you drink less heavy and smooth to drink. With this kind of water, you will easily drink the volume expected of you very easily and without stress.
This removes Chlorine, THMs, Organic Chemicals and unpleasant odour and colours resulting in pure, crystal-clear mineral water. This is the kind of water that is appealing to the eye; the kind of water that will make you wish to drink the more.
Removing acidic components from the water and thereby brings about a pH balance. At this level, the water is at neutral. The PH-level is 7. If you take water at this level all the time, you will hardly fall sick. At this level too, water will help you fight diseases and save you from deadly ailments.
3rd Step: ZEOLITE
This removes bacteria, virus, heavy metals, detergents, harmful chemical such as lead, mercury, gold and silver. Heavy metals can accumulate in our bodies. High level of heavy metals leads to a wide range of terminal illness.
Releases minerals, adjusts pH of water to mild alkaline which helps to restore the pH balance of body fluids. With this level of Alkaline, the body can now further fight diseases because science has shown that diseases find it hard to survive in alkaline environment.
This increases oxygen and minerals for our body need. This makes the water you drink supply you the energy you need to sustain your body as well as to endure hard work.
Mineral stones are mined between 330 and 600 meters below sea level on unpolluted resources. The mineral stone contain Germanium which promotes health and prevents cancer. Germanium also absorbs heavy metal, toxins, odor and impurities, they continuously release many kinds of ionized minerals for 5 years, gradually depleting in size. The highly porous mineral stone aid in the oxygenation of water and in the adjustment of the water to mild alkaline. There are other nourishing minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium contained by the Mineral Water Pot at this level.
The earth’s magnetic field generally promotes vitality for human body. To exploit this essence, the outlet tap of the water system is fitted with magnets inline with the latest in water technology. Magnetized water has free moving hexagonal structured water molecules in harmony with body fluids just like mineral spring water. This promotes health and vitality and imparts many therapeutic properties.
If you are not yet drinking water from Mineral Water Pot, then, it is either that you have been running your resources down buying quality water or you have been drinking acidic or mineral-strapped water. The time to act is now if you wish to have quality health and life which water supplies.
If you are looking for a way to buy the mineral water pot, search no more for you have already landed at the right page.
Below is the contact of one of the major distributors of the Mineral Water Pot in Africa. His name is UCHE MENDOH OLIVERS. He is actually the author and director of this blog.
(NIGERIA) +234 803 292 9756 ---(Call or Whatsapp) OR (GHANA) +233 243 515 645